Monday, January 4, 2010

Back-to-school time. Yay.

School can be great, but seriously.There is waay to much of it. If you're under 18 you're entire life is centered around school. It never really ends, you just take breaks from it. But since most people my age are focused on the miniscule aspects of their life they never take time to see the big picture. And that is that, newsflash, life is school, no matter how you slice it. You attend it, you schedule around it, you plan for it. Even if you don't care about it, you still have to go to it and get punished for getting bad grades. All in all, it's pretty daunting to see how much of our lives are entwined with school.
And speaking of that house of horrors, winter break ended and we're back in school. Yippee. It was freezing today, which was wonderful, but that also meant wearing a bulky coat, gloves and long socks, giving it the feel of being packed away. All morning I was saying hi to my friends. After that ,however, things got quiet. Well, I got quiet. I don't know whats wrong with me. If I'm only with a friend or texting (or blogging), I have a lot to say, but when I'm in a crowd I'm dull and quiet. I have to give dibs to one of my best guy friends who's always talking to me even when there are more interesting people around, always trying to lure me out of my quiet shell. A lot of thanks to him, for making my day a bit less terrible. :)
If anyone has advice for me, I'd be glad to hear it. Please comment.

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