Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Predator: a short story by Vikki

His breath comes in short gasps and his over-loud heart threatens to leap out of his chest. He's scared, I realize with a moment of shock.
But that's how it should be. He can't even see me, and his instincts still tell him that I'm dangerous. Everything about me screams danger now, from my powerful, streamlined body that is yet a silhoutte in the dark, to the viscious flash of my silver eyes that sometimes shine at him, betraying my presence further. Even smiling would be a menacing display, as my teeth are bright white and my incisors are cruelly sharp and the barest hint longer than usual, perfect for tearing into flesh. So yes, his alarm is justified. Giving in to temptation, I smile gently, letting them catch the light, and he flinches further away down the aisle. I can't really hurt him, I'm not allowed, but he doesn't know that. He's not aware of all the bothersome paper work I'd have to fill out if I severely injured, maimed or killed him. Besides my profound distaste for filling out a stack of documents, I'm also not particularly interested in hurting him. Getting him to jail is enough for me, and if he'd just hold still...
I have him cornered in a large store, one of those warehouse-like, on-stop-shop affairs, in the athletics section.
His eyes flicker to the rack next to him as I advance calmly. Baseball bats. Wonderful, now the pathetic human thinks he has a chance of fighting me off. As if. He probably thinks he's grabbing one of the bats at blinding speed and that he looks tough slashing the air in front of him, but, to be honest, it's hilarious. It reminds me of a puny chihuahua barking at a doberman.
I step out into the light and flash my badge at him. Oh, a perk you don't usually get as cop, I don't need to say I'm from the government. As long as they can see your badge, not that it matters. He won't remember this later.
Suddenly I crouch close to the floor, cat-like. I'm coiled to spring, tightly wound, and then....

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