Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is what i wrote on my B.T. finals. I like it, don't you?

Why I Chose Interior Designing as a Career
As a child, I grew up watching my father install tile or wood floors. I saw him turn a floor that had fallen into disrepair into a thing of beauty. He’d let me help him lay down the quick-set cement with a grooved trowel “to help the tile grip”, he said. Just recently, he re-did his shower floor with a mosaic of glass tile that throws the light. He’s a general contractor, my grandfather used to set tile and I have an uncle who’s an architect. After a while, some of your career choices are influenced by that. The reasons I decided to do a project on interior designing are that I’ve always wanted to be one, I love being the creator of something beautiful, and my personality.
I was one of the only kids, if not the only kid, in first grade that watched DIY remodeling shows. I knew the shows on HGTV by name and I had memorized the schedule so I wouldn’t miss my favorite shows. I was in love with architecture and designing. My sisters would complain that they didn’t know what I was talking about when I pointed out a pretty Tudor, or how they did a bad job on the wainscoting. My father only fed my fanaticism by pointing out that nice porcelain tile, or the impractical choice of marble, or that chip in the terracotta on the altar of our church. I grew up learning about such things, loving things like crown molding and hardwood floors. Isn’t it fitting that I devote one measly slide show to my first love?
You’ve just painted a piece of art that will turn you into the Michelangelo of the 21st century. Would you be ashamed to call it yours? No! You’d practically be on the rooftops shouting “I made that!” I think that most humans strive for that moment, that epitome of your work that makes everything else worth it. The moment where the artist lays down his brush and sighs. Those are the moments I hope to have many of as an interior designer, that sense of creation.
As you can see, I simply am in love with architecture and the things that goes within a structure. My personality is rather in harmony with work, too. Interior designing is slightly competitive, which I am. Always trying to keep up with rival designers who might want the job and also racing the clock to get things done in a reasonable amount of time. I’m also a tad bit of a stickler when it comes to how I spend my money. This is important as a designer, as you’re given a budget. Most importantly, I can listen. Listening to your clients is important, because you could build them a miniature Taj Mahal, but if you didn’t listen to them, odds are it’s not what they wanted.
I love interior designing. I have since I was a little toddler, I have always longed for the sense of accomplishment it grants you, and the way it dovetails with my personality, almost perfectly. I could have gone on and on about this, as a mother would about her new baby. I did my presentation on interior designing because that’s what I want to be. I enjoyed the chance to learn more about my career, about salary and other things. Perhaps one day you’ll hire me to fix up your home!

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