Monday, July 5, 2010

What's been going on...

Let's start with what began a series of exciting things. I went to go see eclipse on the midnight premier! I've always wanted to and I did, with kathy, meleigha, and oscar.We waited in line for an hour (though it only seemed like 15 minutes) and then another sitting in the theatre waiting for it to start. A moon started fading onto the screen slowly and I whispered excitedly to kathy sitting next to me "scream with me when it comes on!" (hey, what can I say? I was excited). I swear we shrieked loud enough for God to hear us. The movie was good, the style and storytelling aspects of it better than the first two. The running and fighting was so much more realistic.
Last thursday, I checked out four books from the library, two of which were SO AMAZING that I not only put them in the list of Books You Have to Read, I'm blogging about them. One was Avalon High by Meg Cabot, which is a hilarious modern version of king arthur. The other was Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. It has werewolves, but real ones who get infected and stuff. And don't start thinking it's another Twilight wannabe, because it's even better. It is absolutely one of the intensest books I've ever read.
Then, on Friday my dad, his girlfriend and myself headed out for a mini-vacation in Boca Raton. We went to two great beaches, one was the awesomest shade of blue EVER, a dark aqua. The bad thing was sucky waves and the fact I couldn't see past my waist in the water, which freaked me out. The other beach was perfect. Sure, it had a bit of a current, but the water never got past my shoulders. Plus, the waves were HUGE. Not those wimpy one-footers you always get down here, but five foot tall waves. I bodysurfed those waves for hours, enjoying the crystal blue water and soft sand.
Lastly, I finally got over my pride and got in touch with a friend that I hadn't talked to in a while. I'm hoping we can hang out together soon. Now, that may not seem as exciting as me getting smashed into the sand by five-footers, but still important. Besides, he might get pissed he doesn't rank up there in importance as the beach. (Just kidding!)
Oh well. I'm so happy it's like I'm flying, or better yet, back on those waves tumbling and swimming. To any friends reading this, I miss you guys and wish I could hug all of you right now.

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