Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Insecurities Are Reassured..

Allright, so I was having one of those days.. A quiet one, a day where I'm humiliatingly awkward. I just can't think of anything to say. But you know what? Today, God showed me He's looking out for me. That when I think it can't get worse, He'll make it better.
So, I'm in my environment club at school. I'm feeling left out because my friends are off walking around school in a little group while I'm stuck in the meeting, wondering what they're talking about, and why they can't tell me, why I'm forgotten. They come back and we're planning a school dance advertisement (buy tickets guys!) and their talking about how they'll do a dance in the advertisement, blah blah blah. I'm just there, listening. We run out of time, so they decide to go to a friends house to shoot it. I know it's silly, but I got kind of insulted when they didn't think of me to dance in it (um, hello! I was on a dance team with one of the girls). Then I remember that, how will they know if I want to be part of it if I'm just there, contributing nothing. So I speak up and tell a friend that if they need another dancer, I'm there. I ask another if she needs help setting up, you do? Okay, great I'll ask my mom. As I'm waiting for a phone, they find out they can't do it at the girls house, and everyone else's houses are too small. I tell them I have a big backyard. I ask my mom, and miraculously, she says yes! So we're off to my house. When we get there, we pig out a little and primp. We get outside, and as they're practicing I'm starting to feel a little left out again (ugh! I'm so ridiculously sensitive). Then the big guy up there turns it around for me again. My older sister comes out and helps us out and suggests some things that require more dancers partying in the background, so I got to be in the video after all! Nobody was left out after all!! I'm so thankful, because even though I'm sentimental, touchy and selfish for getting so bugged about that, God still helped me out. THANK YOU!
P.S. To any of my friends; it wasn't your fault! ILY!

1 comment:

  1. ilysm vicky!!! sorry! lol but we had an awsome time. whenever we go to ur house its always a party!!
